Law in Contemporary Society

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ClassNotes2008Jan17 11 - 18 Jan 2008 - Main.TedKreit
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 I can't speak for Eben but to me engaging with film (or with TV, though I've not watched much in a while) wouldn't seem to be a problem as much as sitting back completely mindlessly and letting TV flow over one. I think it would be hard for most of us to get to that point, but maybe it's a little harmful even when engaging with some programming. Does it harm memory to "take up space" with remembering the characters and storylines from a TV drama, and does it harm it any more than remembering the equivalents from [example of the day] Shakespeare's works? Is either or both a "waste?"

-- DanielHarris - 18 Jan 2008


The TV discussion reminded me of this great Simpsons line:

Lisa: It's not out fault our generation has short attention spans, Dad. We watch an appalling amount of TV.

Homer: Don't you ever, EVER talk that way about television.

Here's a video of another funny Simpsons moment that is somewhat on-point:

-- TedKreit - 18 Jan 2008


Revision 11r11 - 18 Jan 2008 - 14:37:11 - TedKreit
Revision 10r10 - 18 Jan 2008 - 06:03:09 - DanielHarris
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