Law in Contemporary Society

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ClassNotes2008Jan17 12 - 18 Jan 2008 - Main.MichaelBrown
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-- TedKreit - 18 Jan 2008


Actually what I found most interesting about the vegging out discussion was the preface. I feel somewhat totally ignorrant but I have always thought of memory as something more innate or biological. As a kid, I often remarked on how unfair k-12 education was because it was all about memory. I was wondering if anyone who did psych undergrad took any classes on it. I have heard of speed reading classes, but is it just common knowledge that memory is something we all can master? Does everyone agree with the proposition? In tutoring many kids over time and just growing up it would seem that this has not been my experience. In addition, I have never tried to work at my memory. So after a brief wikipedia check I figured I would just ask the class for your thoughts.

-- MichaelBrown - 18 Jan 2008


Revision 12r12 - 18 Jan 2008 - 14:50:41 - MichaelBrown
Revision 11r11 - 18 Jan 2008 - 14:37:11 - TedKreit
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