Law in Contemporary Society

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OperatingNorms 11 - 26 Jan 2008 - Main.AndrewGradman
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META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
I am interested in seeing if folks want to set up some guidelines for our online collaboration. I am going to add one or two here and then, if you think this will facilitate our collaboration, you should add your own. Hopefully this will increase comfort level with the medium and, as a result, increase engagement.
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 -- EbenMoglen - 26 Jan 2008
It turns out that wiki is a very good medium for active listeners.
I wrongly assumed that our only mandate was to make the TWiki "some kind of a learning tool," and read that to be our Declaration of Independence. Eben's post reminded me of a second mandate: It turns out that wiki is a very good medium for active listeners. (I say "mandate" because, like Kate, I listen his descriptive statements into prescriptive ones).
I should have noticed this. I erred in saying that our only mandate was that the TWiki be "some kind of a learning tool." In isolation, I read that as our Declaration of Independence. Moglen's post reminds me of this second mandate. (I say "mandate" because I actively listen descriptive statements into prescriptive ones).
I was not actively listening. In the land of active listeners, apparently I'm a revolutionary AND an illegal immigrant--a Lenin, who came to exploit a captive audience. I figured the TWiki would listen to me more actively than the classroom, and I thought the classroom sovereign had forged my passport.
Apparently, in the land of active listeners, I'm not just a revolutionary but an illegal immigrant -- i.e., a poor active listener -- a Lenin, who came to exploit a captive audience of active listeners and hear himself talk. To clumsily extend the metaphor (as one does, when he is actively listening only to himself), I thought TWiki was a more fertile audience than the classroom, and besides, the classroom power had forged my passport. Blowback, as they say.
It's scary to know that someone's going to refactor my words, I'm not gonna lie. It's painful for the writer to read what the readers were actively listening to. My flourishes will never survive translation, and they'll probably obfuscate my ideas as well. Lenin would have spoken more carefully had he known how his spokesmen refactored his words, but he got lucky and died.
It scares me a little to know that someone's going to refactor my words, I'm not gonna lie. Had Lenin known how his words got refactored by his next spokesman, he might have spoken more carefully. Even he would have passed that active listening test. Unfortunately, he was dead.

It's tempting to insert footnotes under

Lesson learned: Revolutionaries die, but their words live on, and they're their words live aft, and now I get to suffer the indignity of watching them get "refactored" by a bunch of Trotskyites.

but the whole idea of "captive audiences"

of gradegivers The usual practice is to "refactor"--or consolidate--pages periodically, by replacing the long threads of discussion with a responsible summary of the points made; the person refactoring is accountable to the group for the clarity with which she or he renders the points made, briefly, transmitting the essence of each point of view. That's another part of the active listening test. I will soon begin assigning people to refactor the discussions that are building up on certain topics.

I'm tempted to revise with that in mind. But I won't, because refactoring will be as much of an active listening lesson for the writer as for the refactorer, and I came to law school to learn to write.
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 -- AndrewGradman - 26 Jan 2008

Sounds good. This might be a good page to start with- if we are going to have editing standards, it makes sense for them to exist as an editable list rather than a discussion.

-- TheodoreSmith - 26 Jan 2008

\ No newline at end of file

Revision 11r11 - 26 Jan 2008 - 20:31:42 - AndrewGradman
Revision 10r10 - 26 Jan 2008 - 19:32:39 - TheodoreSmith
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